Get Rich or Lie Trying: The Life Story of Wolfgang Halbig

Welcome to Get Rich or Lie Trying: The Life Story of Wolfgang Halbig.

Decades before he became the face of the fraudulent “Sandy Hook Hoax” conspiracy theory in 2014, Wolfgang Halbig was already hard at work: carefully assembling his résumé, creating stories to cover the ugly parts in his work history, studying how to fool and scare people, and—more than anything—coming up with ways to make money by exploiting tragedies. His path through life is an oftentimes sickening, sometimes hilarious story, full of betrayals, humiliations, firings, lawsuits, and one catastrophic failure after another.

This story will be an adaptation of, and extensive update to, the landmark document that exposed Wolfgang in 2015, “The Hoax of a Lifetime” (still available here under The Halbig Archives). Much has happened in the years since that story was told, both in Wolfgang’s life and in the lives of those who chose to give him airtime. There is much to share, and meanwhile, Wolfgang’s story is still unfolding. Check back often for new installments!


Part 1: The Early Years (1946-1970)
Part 2: Gridiron Daze (1970-1974)
Part 3: Police Quest (1974-1976)
Part 4: Coach Wolfgang (1977-1979)
Part 5: Student Driver (1979-1983)
Part 6: The Sebring High Conspiracy (1983-1989)
Part 7: Principal Halbig and the Fake Bomb Detectors (1989-1996)
Part 8: The Metamorphosis (1996-2000)
Part 9: Wolfgang’s Big Score (2000-2004)
Part 10: The Long Way Down (2004-2008)
(more to come)

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