
2023 in the Life of Wolfgang Halbig, Sandy Hook Hoaxer Wolfgang Halbig, the notorious Sandy Hook hoaxer, doesn’t have much of a social media presence anymore. And ever since Alex Jones publicly learned the hard way how expensive it can be to give Wolfgang airtime, even the scummiest podcasters don’t want to interview him. So you probably didn’t hear much from him last year. But that doesn’t mean he’s been keeping quiet… in fact, he’s been acting just as deranged as ever! Let’s take a look at Wolfgang’s path through 2023 in detail. (If you want to follow along, most of this is available in the Lake County Clerk’s website. Wolfgang’s case number is 35-2020-MM-001628-AXXX-XX)Wolfgang’s Quest to Clear His NameAs of the start of 2023, Wolfgang was still stinging from his January 2020 arrest for harassment. He had m...
Part 10: The Long Way Down The Downward SpiralThe contract that Wolfgang Halbig and his cohorts in the National Institute for School and Workplace Safety had landed with the Anne Arrundel school district was a big one. So big, that it got coverage in several Annapolis-area newspapers, as well as the Baltimore Sun. But while Halbig and the gang were celebrating, one detail that they should have kept in mind over the sound of champagne corks popping was that the deal was still tentative; it had been announced that NISWS won the bid, but the contract wasn’t finalized. In fact, many of the school district’s own staff didn’t even find out about the deal until they read about in the newspaper.Unfortunately for Wolfgang, one of those staff members reading the news in early April 2004 was a guy named Michael McNelly, and he was on the school board.  ...
Get Rich or Lie Trying – Part 9 (Wolfgang's Big Score) One in the HandWolfgang and his cohorts from the National Institute for School and Workplace Safety were hard at work in 2000, trying to get their fledgling consulting business off the ground. Reports from the Indian River Press-Journal from September show an example of his pitch: Indian River Press Journal - Sep 2000 This district did indeed go on to purchase training workshops from NISWS, as a result of the safety audit. Indian River Press Journal - Mar 13 2001 ...
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Wolfgang Halbig FAILS again!Wolfgang Halbig Lawsuit Order Dismissed 2022Wolfgang Halbig Lawsuit Dismissal Recommendation 2022 Filed: February 25, 2022COMPLAINT against Daniel Conlee, Jonah Demko, Todd English, Florida State Attorney, Lake County District Attorney, Lake County, Florida, Lake County, Florida Sheriff, Stephanie Mahaney, Daniel Morales, Michael Morris, Ellory Osterberg, Erica Rodriguez, Joseph Schlabach, Darrel Thomas, Corey Wingo with Jury Demand Filing fee $ 402.00, receipt number OCA-1235...
Welcome to my blog! If it’s your first time here, there’s a good chance you just found out what a Sandy Hook Hoaxer is, and now you have a question like that stuck in your head: “Who is Wolfgang Halbig?” I see that a lot. I’ve been occupying this URL for some time, and I see all sorts of searches, yes indeed. And there are many variations on this question, for example: Exactly what the hell is wrong with Wolfgang Halbig? How is it possible that this obvious lunatic Wolfgang Halbig is out walking the streets? Isn’t there even one single person in Wolfgang Halbig’s family who cares about him and will just do something already? How can I make sure that whatever happened to Wolfgang Halbig’s brain doesn’t happen to mine? Well, the good news is, I’m here to help.  The bad news is, the answers to these questions are complicated.  You see, as of this writing, Wolfgang Halbig is a 73-year-old retired man, living all alone in a house in Florida, and probably wondering how it all went wrong...