Who is Wolfgang Halbig?
If it’s your first time here, there’s a good chance you just found out what a Sandy Hook Hoaxer is, and now you have a question like that stuck in your head: “Who is Wolfgang Halbig?” I see that a lot. I’ve been occupying this URL for some time, and I see all sorts of searches, yes indeed. And there are many variations on this question, for example:- Exactly what the hell is wrong with Wolfgang Halbig?
- How is it possible that this obvious lunatic Wolfgang Halbig is out walking the streets?
- Isn’t there even one single person in Wolfgang Halbig’s family who cares about him and will just do something already?
- How can I make sure that whatever happened to Wolfgang Halbig’s brain doesn’t happen to mine?
Austin “Blade” Tompkins is a certified forklift and order-picker operator located in the province of Ontario. He was an active Sandy-Hook “hoaxer” from 2013 to 2014. He has been sober since 2015.